• Anterior cervical microdiscectomy and fusion.
  • It is done for most commonly done for cervical disc prolapse.
  • Most common is C5C6 & C6C7.
  • Then C4C5 can occur at a higher level also
  • There may be compression of the nerve root, spinal cord causing severe neck pain, upper limbs pain and weakness in limbs and difficulty in walking
  • Done under general anesthesia
  • A small opening is made in the neck

Courtesy Mayfield ClinicCourtesy Mayfield Clinic

  • Neck structure is pushed, instead of cutting and corridor is made to reach the cervical spine
  • The carotid artery will be lateral, trachea & esophagus will be medically
  • Under fluoroscopy guidance involved disc is identified/localized
  • With the microscope help microdiscectomy done
  • Nerve roots & spinal cord is released
  • Intervertebral space is replaced with artificial cages / PEEK / titanium / bone grafts.
  • Fixation is done with plate & screws.
  • After fixation, it is confirmed with fluoroscopy (plate, case, screws are perfect or not)
  • The closure is done.

Our expert Neuro team at Neurowellness a neuro hospital in Bangalore provide the best Neck Pain Treatment in Bangalore.

Please visit

Brain and Spine Clinic
#1224, Ground-Floor, 26th Main, Jayanagar 9th Block
BANGALORE – 560069

Phone No
+91 72596 69911
+91 73490 17701

Website www.neurowellness.in

Facebook www.facebook.com/neurowellness.in/

Neurowellness-Brain and Spine care