Lifestyle Changes

1.          Maintain a Healthy Weight: Reduce excess pressure on your spine by   maintaining a healthy BMI.

2.          Stay Physically Active: Regular exercise strengthens core and back muscles that support the spine.

3.          Avoid Smoking: Smoking accelerates disc degeneration by reducing blood supply to spinal discs.

4.          Stay Hydrated: Proper hydration helps maintain the elasticity and shock-absorbing capacity of spinal discs.

5.          Eat a Balanced Diet: Include calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients to keep bones and discs healthy.

Postural Awareness

6.          Practice Good Posture: Sit and stand with your back straight, shoulders back, and head aligned.

7.          Use Ergonomic Furniture: Choose chairs and workstations that support your spine’s natural curves.

8.          Avoid Prolonged Sitting: Take breaks every 30 minutes to stretch and move.

9.          Lift Properly: Use your legs, not your back, when lifting heavy objects. Avoid twisting your spine.

10.       Avoid Carrying Heavy Bags: Distribute weight evenly, or use a backpack instead of one-shoulder bags.

Exercise and Fitness

11.       Strengthen Core Muscles: Core-strengthening exercises stabilize your spine.

12.       Stretch Regularly: Flexibility exercises reduce stiffness and improve spinal mobility.

13.       Engage in Low-Impact Activities: Activities like swimming, walking, or yoga are gentle on the spine.

14.       Avoid High-Impact Activities: Minimize activities that place excessive strain on the spine, like heavy weightlifting or jumping.

Sleep Hygiene

15.       Sleep on a Supportive Mattress: Choose a medium-firm mattress that supports spinal alignment.

16.       Adopt a Proper Sleeping Position: Sleep on your back or side with a pillow under your knees or between your legs to reduce strain.

Injury Prevention

17.       Warm Up Before Physical Activity: Prepare your body for exercise to avoid sudden strain on the spine.

18.       Avoid Overexertion: Don’t push your body beyond its limits during work or physical activities.

Health Monitoring

19.       Regular Checkups: Monitor your spine health, especially if you have a history of back issues.

20.       Address Back Pain Early: Seek medical advice if you experience persistent back pain or stiffness to prevent worsening conditions.

These preventive measures help protect the spine and reduce the risk of disc prolapse, promoting long-term spinal health.

For further information contact Team Neurowellness.

Reach 10 AM to 7 PM

Ms. Nandhini -ph 7259669911, 7411571002

Disclaimer: This article is written by team Neurowellness for informational and educational purposes only. The content presented on this page should not be considered as a substitute for medical expertise.

Please “DO NOT SELF-MEDICATE”/ GOOGLE and seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns. Neurowellness will not be responsible for any act or omission arising from the interpretation of the content present on this page.

Neurowellness-Brain and Spine care